
Mineral Processing Blogs & News Updates

How to Beneficiate Beryl?

The density of beryl is 2.65~2.9g/cm3, similar to gangue minerals, and cannot be separated by gravity. Beryl needs to be smelt through benefici…


Copper Oxide & Copper Sulfide Flotation: 8 Processes & 9 Equipment

copper ore generally contains a mixture of copper sulfide and copper oxide. Concentrators usually use flotation to improve ore grade so they ca…


What Types of Magnetic Separators We Supply?

Whether the magnetic separation equipment is reasonable, advanced, and efficient determines the pros and cons of the beneficiation process. Pay…


Magnetic Separators: Process, Operation & Selection

The magnetic separator is a screening equipment used to remove iron powder in reusable powder granules. After the ore slurry flows into the tan…


How to Purify Graphite Ore?

Graphite is an essential non-metallic mineral. After purification, it can applicate in many fields, such as optics, energy, aerospace, environm…


How Foam Changes Reflect Flotation Effects?

One of the essential methods in flotation machine operation technology is to observe the foam in the flotation machine and judge the flotation&…


How to Beneficiate Ferrous Metals?

Metal is a substance with luster, good electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, and a positive temperature coeffic…


Lithium Ore Flotation Technology

Lithium ore is one of the primary lithium sources, produced in muscovite-type and lepidolite-type granite pegmatites. It often coexists with le…
